"I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you
who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve" Albert Schweitzer

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Looking For Volunteers

The following note was sent by Amy Lindsey, Haiti Volunteer Coordinator and wife of HAH Administrator, Nathan Lindsay.
First of all I would like to thank each one of you for the time, interest, and energy that you have spent in helping the people at Hopital Adventiste d’Haiti. Through your care and concern many people have received treatment that otherwise would not have been provided. It is through help like yours that we are able to keep the hospital functioning.
Now that it has been over a year since the earthquake, the overall operations of the hospital have changed. That being said, there is still plenty to do at the hospital, especially in orthopedics. For those of you who may not already know him, Terry Dietrich is an orthopedic surgeon from Wisconsin who is anchoring the orthopedic service here at HAH for the next year. Although he will be here most of that time, there are a few dates throughout the year that he will be gone and we are looking for some willing orthopedic surgeons to fill in for a week or 2 in his absence.
Currently I am desperately trying to find orthopedic coverage for Feb 27-March 5, and March 6-12. Unfortunately the person who was scheduled to come is no longer able to and so we are looking for at least 1-2 orthopedic surgeons for each of those weeks (preferably 2 if Terry is gone). I know that it is short notice, but if you could possibly make it work please let me know ASAP. 
If you are interested in coming, we also suggest trying to bring some support staff with you (anesthesia, scrub tech, etc.). I’ll be happy to discuss any specifics with you if you are interested.
Thank you again for everything that you have done. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Amy Lindsey 
Diquini 63, Carrefour, Port-au-Prince, Haiti 
Haiti phone number 011-509-3430-8150 
Fax (909) 558-0263

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