Received the following note from Scott 7 hours ago, hopefully the case went well and they are safely on the plane by now. My understanding is that the liaison with the local orthopaedist was to arrange coverage for their patients during Terry's absence.
Just got back from dinner with Hans Larsen, president of the Haitian Ortho Society. it was good. On arrival at HAH we found a 27 y F sp MVA with saacroiliac fracture/dislocation. I woke up Vieja and Adrian and they are cooking up the pelvis set to get her operated just in time to catch our ride to the airport at 5:30am. Also I got the C arm working today and we successfully operated on the 69 yo blind guy with the proximal femur fracture (see image below) that was 6wks out. Suffice it to say all is well - map buele.
Praise God! I was so hoping they'd get to that femur fracture before they left! Poor guy =(