Had 7 cases today including the 69y/o blind gentleman with the subtrochanteric femur fracture, everything went well. Followed by another BIG clinic which finished about 5:30. Called Hans Larsen (prominent Haitian orthopod) and went to Petionville for dinner with him at a good restaurant. Made it back before 10 to find a 27 y/o in xray with an unstable pelvic fracture. Going to the OR in a bit...won't get much sleep before heading to the airport at 5:30 to catch my 8:30 flight.
I saw a great case in clinic today. 53y/o farmer from 3 hours away. Raises just enough rice and beans on his small farm to keep his wife and five children from going hungry. Just hand to mouth, nothing left over to sell and get ahead. Has no animals or machinery to assist with the hard work, mainly a hoe to till and plant and scythe to harvest. Has TERRIBLE knees, bad valgus with instability bilaterally. In addition, the left hyperextends 40 degrees, walks way crouched over.
Jeannie made it to Cabarete fine after a 9+ hour convoy trip and bus ride. I'll join her tomorrow hopefully by 3pm.
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