"I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you
who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve" Albert Schweitzer

Friday, May 28, 2010

Meet Volunteer Marie Gdalevitch, MD

Dr Marie Gdalevitch is a Canadian orthopedic surgeon who will be joining the Team Sinai Haiti when they travel to Hopital Adventiste next month. Marie is currently in Baltimore for fellowship training in Limb Reconstruction surgery at Sinai Hospital. A few months ago, she accompanied Director Dr John Herzenberg's partner Dr Shawn Standard on an orthopedic mission to the other half of Hispanola, the Dominican Republic. That trip had been planned well before the January 12 earthquake, and so unexpectedly, Marie and Shawn found themselves in the midst of a disaster relief mission. In addition to being a highly skilled surgeon, Marie is also a pretty decent hockey player, and a die-hard Montreal Canadienes fan. She is finishing her fellowship in Baltimore next month, and headed to Australia for yet more training in her chosen subspecialty of pediatric orthopedics. You can meet more of Marie's team members on the Team Sinai Haiti blog.
In her own words...."I am Canadian, born and raised in bilingual Montreal where there is a large and vibrant Haitien community. After hearing news of the earthquake, I felt helpless at the tragedy that was unfolding on televions worldwide. Only to realize that I was heading to Dominican Republic on a pre-earthquake organized medical mission trip. Two weeks after the earthquake, I found myself in San Juan, DR working at one of the bordering hospitals, treating Haitien refugees. My experience was short and the help our small team provided was a drop of water in an ocean of need. I felt I had left prematurely and with much unfinished work. I often wonder what happened to my patients? Did they survive? Did they walk? Did they return to Haiti and if so what were their living conditions? The prospect of being able to return, with a bigger team, and the hope of doing more, is extremely invigorating. I approach this upcoming trip with much anticipation, but also with heightened awareness. No matter how much we contribute, I will likely remain humbled and wondering upon my return."

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